Eight Reasons Why You Should Hire A Motorhome

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Thoughts drifting toward summer 2024 plans? The autumn weather here is bleak and the days short, so let’s forget it all, and chase some summer sunshine!

Perhaps you’re an rv enthusiast, but not yet an owner. What better way to dip your toes into the rv way of life than hiring a motorhome for your holiday next summer?

Read the article to the end to discover eight reasons why you should hire a motorhome, and a brilliant money-saving offer for you, too.

Reason One

The clue’s in the name: it’s a home, so journeys are so much more pleasant than within the confines of the car. Used to traveling with children? Such a joy!

“I need a wee/ I’m bored/ Are we nearly there yet?/ I’m hungry/ s/he nipped me!”


Not a worry if you hire a motorhome! Your passengers can play games, watch tv, make tea, and coffee, and snooze on a comfy bed. You’ll feel at home right from the start of your holiday- don’t have to wait until you reach your destination.

Reason Two

Hiring a motorhome is more economical than staying in hotels. You’ll find that rv sites often have all the benefits of a hotel anyway: swimming pools, restaurants, etc. You’ll have all the facilities you need in your motorhome kitchen to cook great meals, so you won’t need to eat out or bring in takeaways. Saves loads of money!! There are even places where you can camp for free!

Reason Three

You can enjoy being in the great outdoors, but enjoy home comforts at the same time. Out in many rural sites in the UK, you’ll be able to watch eagles flying and deer grazing. You can also see dolphins from many of the coastal sites, and watch the sun setting over the sea. Forest walks, wildlife and watersports: all just outside your motorhome! And if you love it there- just stay a couple more nights- easy squeezy.

Spaceships Motorhomes photo 5
Photo credit to Spaceships Motorhomes
Reason Four

When you hire a motorhome, you’ll get the chance to meet heaps more people, so there are way more opportunities for you and your kids to make friends for life. In a hotel, there are often the same people who are staying for the same length of time as you. However, on your motorhome holiday, you could be meeting new families every night of the week if you want to, sharing and swapping meals and really enhancing your holiday experience.

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Photo credit to Spaceships Motorhome
Reason Five
Reason Six
When you hire a motorhome, there’s no need for rows about packing- because you’ve got enough room to pack it all! There is so much storage on offer, that, if you think you may need it, you can bring it- so pack those extra pairs of shoes if you want to! You never know, you may just get the chance to wear them all.
Spaceships Motorhomes photo 5
Photo credit to Spaceships Motorhomes
Reason Seven

You’re completely in charge of your own holiday experience, so you can take life at your own pace. There’s no rushing about to catch trains, planes and buses, and you can stop where and whenever you want! ( Well, within reason, of course….not in the middle of Spaghetti Junction…!)

Reason Eight

Hiring a motorhome, rather than buying one outright, gives you a chance to try out rving without committing a lot of money upfront.

Would You Like a 10% Discount on Your Motorhome Adventure Next Summer? Click here to book your holiday between 1/11/23-30/06/24 ( excluding Christmas, Easter and Bank Holidays) to secure 10% off your motorhome holiday.

Spaceship Motorhomes photo 7
Photo credit to Spaceship Motorhomes

Choices: there are loads of choices of sites where you can park up your motorhome and enjoy the amenities on offer. If you wish to venture into France and further into Europe, that’s perfectly possible from the south of England. Your itinerary is completely yours to devise, adapt and change as your adventure progresses